Illinois background checking error

pre-employment background checks after a series of errors within local police departments. Venice officials say that they made a mistake when hiring former police office Jerry L. Casey – a mistake that could have been prevented with a background check. After being dismissed from the Venice Police Department Casey was then hired by the Brooklyn…

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Background checks for internet dating

background checks, can they be accurate? And if they’re not, do we give a false sense of security to people on the site?” she said. “That’s the big concern I have. If someone slips through the cracks… does that create more of a risk for people to not be more prudent?” It’s a fair comment…

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Sex offender volunteers with High school football team

A High school football team in Seattle suffered a shock recently, finding out that one of the volunteers who worked with the team turned out to be a sex offender. This was discovered only after two female students who served as managers to the team complained about inappropriate comments made to them. In yet another…

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How to find the perfect babysitter

MYB has come up with a checklist for the most important things to consider when hiring a babysitter, and how you can come to a decision that you feel comfortable with. 1 – The first thing to do is to run the necessary background checks. It is important to disregard personal opinions when it comes…

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Supreme Court ruling makes public records harder to access

background checks – making access to such information very difficult, particlarly if the subject has a common name. “Businesses who are doing background checks are going to get multiple hits off persons who are not the person applying, but they’re not going to have a way to sort that out”, says Pat Davis of the…

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NC features in top 10 list for finding babysitters

Charlotte, NC has been named as the second best city in the US to find a babysitter. The list was constructed by Sittercity, who determined the ratings for each city by taking into consideration the number of babysitters located there and the average amount charged. Charlotte was placed second, with an average fee of $11.11,…

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University of Virginia to change background checking policy

Yeardley Love by her ex-boyfriend George Huguely. Both played Lacrosse for the college, both came from prestigious families and both seemed representative of the future pillars of society. A story with a bright beginning ended in tragedy. This tragedy could have been prevented, had UVA required students to disclose their criminal records. Had they done…

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New security provision could have serious implications

background check. This has resulted in obvious criticism from many corners, in particular those who use such checks for pre-employment screening. The new legislation in question is the “Fairness and Accuracy in Employment Background Checks Act of 2010” . This states that a person’s arrest record would be dropped from the database if the disposition…

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Background checks for BP spill workers

background checks on the workers hired by BP to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf has apparently led to a convicted sex offender raping a co-worker. Sheriff Mike Byrd, of Jackson County, Mississippi, believes that had a simple background check been done, the rape could have been prevented. The man charged in the…

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How to do a background check on a babysitter

Mind Your Business was started after CEO Karen Caruso heard a tragic story on Opera regarding a babysitter that had killed the child in their care. According to the parents, it had been incredibly hard to complete a background check on the babysitter. Karen took it upon herself to create a change, and set up…

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