FBI shows rise in background checks

purchasing guns on Black Friday of this year, it seems there was no letting off by gun-seekers. FBI background check records show December was a record month for gun sales in the United States. Devon Sustaire with City Pawn Shop in Jacksonville said gun sales at the store reflected the national trend, according to the Jacksonville…

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Almost a third of Americans arrested by the age of 23

New York Times this week claims that almost a third (30.2%) of Americans have been arrested by the age of 23. Had you been posed such a question, what would your guess have been? No doubt a lower number than this. “This estimate provides a real sense that the proportion of people who have criminal…

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New background check law could see teachers fired

Reuters. The law, signed by Governor Tom Corbett in June, went into effect in September and mandates background checks for all employees of public, private and vocational schools. Administrators must notify employees of the law and have them return a form reporting any criminal history by December 27. “Our focus now is on helping our…

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Unemployment troubles may last five more years

said this week. This prediction has significant consequences across the whole of society, as well as in the employment screening industry specifically. “We have reached the moment of truth,” Raymond Torres, director of the ILO’s Geneva-based International Institute for Labour Studies unit, said in an e-mailed report this week. “We have a brief window of…

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Illegal immigrant became sheriff despite background check

background check when he applied to be a cadet at the age of 14 in 2005, Sheriff’s investigator Bill House said last week. It is quite an astounding discovery to see such a breach of trust for a position of lawful authority. Wilmar Arnulfo Perez, 20, was charged with a felony count of criminal impersonation…

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U.S. tests airport background checks

Reuters. The PreCheck program, whose goal is to speed up the airport security process, is being tested in Miami, Dallas, Detroit and Atlanta for the moment, but could be expanded to other cities if successful, TSA officials said. Fewer than 10,000 travellers are now participating in the program, which allows selected frequent flyers boarding American…

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Firearm background checks on the increase

tougher background checks when obtaining firearms. With passionate speakers from both sides of the debate, it seems that those looking for more stringent checks are winning. Take Texas for example – a state which professes huge support for the wide availability of guns and our right to own firearms. Background screening statistics show that more…

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