The rights and wrongs of background checks

53% of all job applications contain inaccurate information, background checks ought to be something all employers should be implementing or at least considering. However, employers have to be careful. There is a lot of legislation surrounding background checks, employment law and an individual’s right to privacy, so if you are running background checks, you need…

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10 things everyone ought to know about employment screening

protect their business. If you’re unsure, here are ten thing everyone ought to know about employment screening – and hopefully these will help you change your mind: According to statistics on drug abuse by American workers, workplace drug and alcohol use costs U.S. businesses an estimated $100 billion each year. Make drug testing a key…

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Background check study shows favor for employers

survey found that more than 90 percent of employers run criminal checks on job applicants, while 60 percent sometimes screen for credit, depending on the position. Black marks on either report can prove fatal for the estimated 65 million U.S. adults with criminal records. What this shows is that, due to the economic downturn and despite…

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U.S. economy adds 243,000 jobs in January

‘THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION – JANUARY 2012’ report released by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. The report showed the unemployment rate declined by 0.2 percentage point in January 2012 to 8.3 percent and has fallen by 0.8 point since August 2011. Other key points include: Professional and business services employment added 70,000 jobs in…

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FCC warns background check mobile apps may be illegal

Employment checks in North Carolina faced a potential hurdle this week as the Federal Trade Commission said it sent letters to six unidentified mobile applications makers warning them that their background screening apps may be violating federal statutes. Specifically the FTC said if the app makers have reason to believe their background reporting apps are being used for employment screening, housing,…

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Five steps to performing a background check

employment checks on both current, and prospective, employees. But understandably, when you realize what a challenge they can be, it’s easy to skip them. To make things easier for you, here’s our five step process to performing a background check: 1) Get professional help The first way you can make the background screening process a lot…

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Pepsi sued for using background checks incorrectly

agreed to pay $3.1 million to settle federal charges of race discrimination for using criminal background checks to screen out job applicants — even if they weren’t convicted of a crime. Using arrest and conviction records to deny employment can be illegal if it’s irrelevant for the job, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission…

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Tough background checks for Washington care workers

legislation to kick into gear in 2012. The law imposes stricter background checks on newly hired care home workers, and was overwhelmingly approved by voters back in November. Washington long has done state-level background checks for long-term-care workers it oversees, and it has checked workers’ names against abuse registries. DSHS also has done fingerprint and…

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