Why a pre-employment screening service is essential to your business

pre-employment screening is a great way to protect their business and employees from dangerous situations, many dismiss it as a something which is too much work and too complex to find time to get around to. That’s an understandable position, but is exactly what a pre-employment screening service is there to help with. A pre-employment…

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What is a reference check?

A reference check is a significant part of the pre-employment screening process, and serves the primary purpose of verifying the details you have provided to an employer in a job application. These details are usually on your resume, but you may also have been required to list them on an application form. The secondary purpose…

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The facts about hair drug testing

drug testing, hair follicle drug testing is one of the newer and more developed ways to determine whether a potential employee uses illegal substances. For those that don’t know too much about it, here are a few facts. In a hair drug test, a small sample of hair is taken from the subject, and examined…

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New security provision could have serious implications

background check. This has resulted in obvious criticism from many corners, in particular those who use such checks for pre-employment screening. The new legislation in question is the “Fairness and Accuracy in Employment Background Checks Act of 2010” . This states that a person’s arrest record would be dropped from the database if the disposition…

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