Background checks for clowns – the future of children entertainment?

criminal-background check and be required to have a license to make sure they are safe to work with children. “Exotic dancers need a permit, so do massage therapists,” pointed out Beaudoin in an interview. “So why not children’s entertainers?” Children’s entertainers go into homes, have unlimited access to kids, Beaudoin said. “And parents automatically trust…

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Be aware of background check scams

dozen people fell victim. They say the job scheme started two weeks ago when a man who claimed to be a recruiter for Lyondell walked into a store in the Pasadena Town Square Mall and asked a woman if she wanted a refinery job. The woman, who didn’t want to be identified, says she did…

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California wins award for safest laws on gun background checks

California is a model of sensible gun laws. Its universal background check system, strong gun dealer regulations, and assault clip ban are just some of the laws that help prevent gun violence. Meanwhile, Arizona, Alaska, and Utah do not have a single common sense gun law on their books, according to WCTV news and the…

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Experts calling for background check on health-aides

Experts in Connecticut are calling for background checks to be a requirement for all those who work with the elderly. This revelation comes after a health-aide at a nursing home was arrested for apparently stealing from the individual they were caring for. This is not the first time we have heard such a calling, and…

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Brockton HR director resigns over background check discovery

schools are failing to reach background check targets, the HR director of the specific school in question has chosen to resign. In the previous blog post, we discussed how at schools in Brockton, MA, background checks have not been performed on teachers and other school employees in more than three years, putting the department in…

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Are there problems with social media background checks

With social media websites effectively being free databases of information on their users, many employers are using sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn to perform their own background checks on job applicants. Facebook background checks are a prominent occurrence, due to the regularity of Facebook privacy changes. As users don’t keep up-to-date with the changes,…

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Background checks for college RA's

With calls for background checks on ice-cream vendors, to book a hotel room and on college athletes, we now have a West Tennessee mother wanting background checks on college resident assistants after a University of Tennessee at Chattanooga student was accused of placing hidden cameras in dorm rooms, including her daughter’s. On Monday, police arrested…

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Half of states receive fail grade in background checks report

A new study by the National Association of Child Care Resource shows that 26 states received a failing grade for child care center regulation and oversight, including their use of background checks, according to Fox News. No one received an ‘A’ grade and only one entity received a ‘B’ – the Department of Defense. Though…

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Child Care Protection Act 2011

U.S. Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, along with U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), this week introduced the Child Care Protection Act of 2011. The legislation requires comprehensive background checks for child care providers including state and federal fingerprint checks, sex offender registry checks, and a check of child abuse and neglect registries for all…

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Obama supports tougher background checks

President Obama has expressed his thoughts regarding the role background checks should play in the process an individual goes through to obtain a firearm. After much discussion regarding background checks and guns since Jared Loughner caused chaos in Tuscon, Arizona, this is a major step forward for those who are seeking more intense background screening…

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