Verifying education in a background check
A background check will consist of various different aspects, depending on who is performing the check and what it is for. Nonetheless, one thing it is always likely to incorporate is an education check – where a potential employer will verify the education records you have listed on your application. Considering that many employers will rate experience and the interview performance over and above your education history, the primary reason for verifying education in a background check is to be sure of an applicants’ honesty. With a very high number of individuals making false claims in regards to their education, an employer checks to confirm which applicants are being truthful. One valuable piece of advice is to always be honest – if you’re not, then you will likely be found out eventually; it’s really not worth the risk. The way a company will verify your education is by making contact with the institution who you claim issued your certification. While the school will be unlikely to provide too much information, they will be certain to confirm or deny whether you actually studied there, and if you graduated. It’s also worth keeping in mind that education verification is usually for records post-high school. So while, ultimately, your education will likely be one of the more minor considerations for an employer, the most important thing to remember is to be honest. If you have good references, decent experience and an amicable persona then you’re education history is going to be much less of a consideration – certainly not important enough to put your application in jeopardy by making false claims.]]>
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