How to perform a nanny background check

Ask for references Start out by asking for professional references. This is only the first step, but it is sometimes the most critical. By requesting references from the applicant, you will be able to see how they interacted with other families in the past. Just beware, because sometimes they will give you false information, which is why getting references isn’t enough. Request permission to run a background check Once you have gotten a few references, ask them if they would consent to a background check. This is a legal requirement, and you may need to get written authorization in order to perform the check. Once you have done this, you will be able to gain access to their criminal history, employment history, and other important background information. Get professional screening assistance There are a lot of legal pitfalls to avoid in this kind of process, and the best way to do that is to get professional help. Avoid anyone claiming “free” or “instant” checks – this type of information is neither free nor instantly available, and so those claiming to be able to provide it in that manner will certainly be cutting corners. You can never be too careful when it comes to who is around your child, which is why you will find a nanny background check to be one of the most important tools when you are looking to hire a new nanny. Contact us today for more information on how to get started.]]>

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