Mind Your Business: How Karen Caruso’s Mother’s Intuition Led to Build a Multimillion-Dollar Business 

Mind Your Business is a leading provider of pre-employment background screening, equal employment opportunity support services, drug screening services, and other support services for both the private and federal sectors. MYB is a certified woman-owned small business and SBA 8(a) certified.

In the heart of the bustling business world, a company with a deeply rooted mission emerged 27 years ago, and its story is a testament to the power of empathy and a mother’s protective instinct. Mind Your Business (MYB), founded by Karen Caruso has grown into a beacon of trust and reliability in the realm of background screening. 

The inception of MYB can be traced back to a pivotal moment of emotional impact. As MYB’s founder, a new mother herself, watched an episode of Oprah Winfrey’s show, she was deeply moved by a distraught mother’s heart-wrenching story. The narrative unfolded with a tragic incident involving a nanny and a criminal background, which led to the death of the child in her care. This heartrending account struck a chord with Karen, stirring a mix of compassion and concern that would drive her to take action.

Moved by a desire to prevent such tragedies and fueled by her background in loss prevention from working in department stores, Karen embarked on a mission. Her questions echoed: Why should background checks be confined to corporate hiring practices? Why couldn’t a concerned parent have access to the same level of security for their home and family? This line of inquiry ignited a spark, leading her to establish MYB with the goal of providing background checks for nannies and childcare providers within the home.

In its earliest stage, MYB’s operations were rooted in a genuine commitment to safety and integrity. Parents seeking assurance and peace of mind were among the first to reach out to MYB for assistance. The company’s founder personally conducted these background checks, painstakingly ensuring that families could make informed decisions about those entrusted with their loved ones’ care. As word spread, MYB’s reputation for thorough and reliable screening took root, leading to partnerships with nanny agencies that continue to this day.

But the journey didn’t stop there. MYB’s founder recognized the broader need for comprehensive background screening beyond the realm of childcare. The company expanded its reach, providing services to commercial enterprises, nonprofits, and church dioceses. The growing recognition of the value of background checks and increasing regulations led to a surge in demand, prompting MYB to further evolve and adapt.

Today, MYB stands as a pillar of trust, offering background screening services that extend even to the federal government. From its poignant origins rooted in empathy and the protective instincts of a mother, MYB has grown to provide an essential service that safeguards individuals, families, and organizations alike. MYB celebrated its anniversary in June, which serves as a reminder that the simplest of ideas, driven by genuine concern and empathy, can blossom into an enduring force for safety and integrity in a complex world.

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This blog is part of our Ultimate Guide series. To see the full post, click here. 

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Quality and Precise Results, On Time!

Let us know about your screening needs to get a custom quote. We work with businesses big and small as well as the government. Which means we have a package of solutions for your organization as well.