How Long Does a Background Check Take?

So, you’ve got some background checks to do and are wondering how long you can expect it to take so you can move on to the next steps in your hiring process. Or maybe you’re on the other end, waiting for your background check to clear so you can finally land your dream job. 

Either way, you want to know what kind of time frame you’re dealing with. That’s a question we’re asked time and again, and the answer is always: “It depends.”

Yeah, we know. This is not the concrete answer you were hoping for, but we’ll explain why and how you can speed up the process below. 

Background checks take varying amounts of time because each background check is unique to the applicant’s history. Time to gather comprehensive information can vary.

In general, most background checks can be completed between three days to two weeks, except for FBI checks (which usually take about 30 days). 

The length of time a check takes will depend on the type and how many background checks you want. For the most part, employers will be considering the following:

  • Credit Checks
  • Motor Vehicle Checks
  • Education Verification
  • Reference Checks
  • Employment Verification
  • Criminal History Checks

For a detailed list of the different background checks, see our blog post, The Different Types of Background Checks Explained.

Although you’ve probably seen ads for “instant background checks” around the web, these rely on databases that are often incomplete or inaccurate. Comprehensive and thorough checks take a lot of work and aren’t just as easy as pulling up information on the web in a simple search. Collecting data from numerous sources opens the opportunity for delays, which can add to the turnaround time. 

There are different reasons background checks can take longer. Here are a few: 

  • Someone has moved around a lot; regulations can vary from state to state, and the more places a person has lived, the longer it takes to get a comprehensive report.
  • Someone has lived abroad; tracking down info requires jumping through more legal hoops internationally.
  • Incomplete or inaccurate data; not listing maiden names, gaps in history or pertinent info, missing fields. 
  • Outside party delays; higher education offices being closed, clerk of courts slow to respond, etc. 

Speeding it up

While the time it takes to execute a background check varies significantly and may not be as quick as you’d like, there are a few ways you can help speed it up from your end. 

  • Create efficient processes. Gather candidate information quickly and early in the hiring process. Double-check crucial fields have been filled out, and all signatures are in place. This will save back and forth communication down the line and result in quicker processing times for you.
  • Match the check to the role. Identify unique and relevant background screening needs for the various positions in your organization. Not everyone needs all of them. For example, a driving record is of no relevance for someone who will not be expected to drive on the job. 
  • Don’t go it alone. Work with a professional background screening provider. As we mentioned above, instant background checks available online are hardly exhaustive. Professionals know where to look, who to ask, and how to proceed most efficiently and comprehensively so you can confidently move forward.

The key takeaway here is to be prepared as possible to expedite the background check timeline and get rolling with your hiring! 

For more information about background checks and how our services can speed up the process for you, contact us today.

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