Drug testing of students to begin in Canton

drug testing to students who want to participate in extra-curricular activities. The drug testing will begin March 15, Superintendent Roy Webb said at Monday’s school board meeting. “The intent on my part is to test as many as possible,” Webb said. “The point is to identify kids, notify parents and get help or counseling when needed. We don’t want to be punitive but to help kids.” Each student and his or her parent or guardian must consent to the testing in order to participate in any extracurricular activity. If a student tests positive, he or she will be unable to participate in extracurricular activities for 45 days. If a voluntary admission is given by a student to a parent, guardian, coach, or administrator, the suspension will be reduced 50 percent. A second offense will result in a suspension from all extracurricular activities for 180 school days. This has been a hotly debated topic in the last year or so, and it seems that the debating is coming to an end and action is being taken. But is this the right sort of action? Is this the right way to keep an eye on the behavior of our children, or is it a step too far?]]>

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